Issue: 2586-2587

October 2015 - November 2015


Top Stories

Facing up to classism can help build stronger groups and stronger movements

by Milan Rai, Betsy Leondar-Wright

The first part of an interview with author, trainer and activist Betsy Leondar-Wright

Seed money!

by PN staff

Help PN publish Andrea Needham's account of Britain's most daring anti-arms trade action

Time to take direct action for climate justice

by Milan Rai, Gabriel Carlyle

PN offers training for Paris climate actions


It’s time we valued our digital freedom

by Benjamin

Free Software has come of age

Kill list

by Chris Cole

British drones kill British citizens

Escaping the heart of darkness

by Kelvin Mason

Coal campaigners win Caerphilly victory

Hastings anti-roads camp

by PN staff

Trees replanted in threatened valley

Stopping the arms fair before it happened

by Dan Viesnik

Dan Viesnik surveys a week of creative disruption

Seed money!

by PN staff

Help PN publish Andrea Needham's account of Britain's most daring anti-arms trade action



by Donald Rooum

What we can do

by PN staff

PN's suggestions for practical solidarity with refugees

Germany gets tougher on migrants?

by PN staff

PN surveys a mixed picture

A Syrian refugee’s story

by Majdy Al-Kassem

A refugee threatened with deportation tells his story

Reflections on the refugee crisis by a refugee

by Almamy Taal, PN staff

An African human rights activist gives his thoughts

Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70

by Wendy Lewis

Welsh campaigners mark nuclear anniversary


Learning to ride the bicycle of nonviolence

by Stellen Vinthagen

Nonviolence isn't just the absence of violence, argues Stellen Vinthagen

What a champ camp!

by Summer Camp folk

A look back at PN Summer Camp 2015

A new wave of affection

by Love Activists

A network of direct actionists comes out of Occupy

Pogrom / Rubicon

by Emily Johns

A family story of loss and arrival

Jeremy Corbyn and the peace movement

by Ian Sinclair

Peace activists should mobilise in support of Corbyn, argues Ian Sinclair


Radical Music

by Penny Stone

Four kinds of radical music

Black History Month 2015: Ken Saro-Wiwa

by Emily Johns

Remembering Saro-Wiwa

40 years ago: How do you plead?

by Albert Beale

PN reported on the Old Bailey conspiracy trial of 14 pacifists and anti-militarists – many with PN links – accused in connection with the leafleting of soldiers.

Activism and ... Messiahs

by PN

I have two words for you. ‘Jeremy Corbyn.’  Woman, Hastings

Diary: Autumnal thoughts

by Virginia Moffatt

'Who would have thought three months ago that an anti-war MP might become leader of the Labour party?'

Innocent until ‘likely’ to commit a crime

by Milan Rai

The UK Defence Secretary appears to have created his own new legal principle

Cartoons etc

Almost ... by SEG

Roouminations by Donald Rooum