1 June 2018News in Brief

On 9 April, the People’s Weapons Inspectors visited a Roxel arms factory in Worcestershire that manufactures components for Brimstone missiles. An order for 1,000 Brimstones has been placed by the Saudi military, which uses them in Yemen.

Inspectors came from the Christian-Quaker direct action group ‘Put Down the Sword’ and from the London Catholic Worker. Some weapons inspectors blocked the main entrance for over five hours by ‘locking-on’ to each other with arm tubes. Others met…

1 June 2018Feature

Reflections from inside Camden County detention centre by three of the Kings Bay Ploughshares prisoners

Kings Bay Ploughshares activist Clare Grady at the admin building on 5 April, with blood and banner. Photo: Kings Bay Ploughshares

Elizabeth McAlister:

Absurd Convictions, Modest Hopes is the title of one of the more than 50 books by my late brother-in-law Daniel Berrigan (RIP and Presente!). It might be fair to say that we came to Kings Bay submarine base animated by the absurd conviction that we could make some impact on slowing, if not ending, the mad rush to the…

1 April 2018News

Doreen Lawrence says chair turning hearing into 'inquiry cloaked in secrecy and anonymity'

People targeted by undercover police walk out of the Undercover Policing Inquiry at the high court in London on 21 March. Photo: Razbigor

Dramatic developments in the #spycops scandal unfolded on 21 March, when people targeted by undercover police, their lawyer and their supporters walked out of the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) being held at the high court in London.

Baroness Doreen Lawrence backed the walk-out, saying that the chair of the inquiry, sir John Mitting, was…

1 April 2018News

LGBT+ rights defenders protest outside Westminster Abbey

80 LGBT+ rights defenders protested outside Westminster Abbey as the queen and the prime minister celebrated Commonwealth Day on 12 March, ahead of a Commonwealth summit in April. The Commonwealth Equality Network and 14 other groups demanded gay rights including the decriminalisation of same-sex relations in 37 of the 53 Commonwealth nations. Photo: Peter Tatchell Foundation

1 April 2018Feature

Thursday 14 – Sunday 17 June 2018

Do you want to strengthen your workshop facilitation skills? Do you want to help social change groups and mission-driven NGOs deal more skilfully with social class and classism in their own organisations, in their members’ lives and in the wider society? If so, Exploring Class may be for you.

This intensive, three-day Training of Trainers draws on several decades of work in the US and will adapt US tools to the UK class system. This residential draws in particular from the…

1 April 2018Feature

Extracts from spycop Andy Coles’ Special Demonstrations Squad (SDA) Tradecraft Manual.

Extracts from Andy Coles’ SDS Tradecraft Manual. See accompanying article for background.

3.8.4. Once you have been armed with an easy to remember personal history you may never use it. It is highly unlikely that within a very short time as a field officer you will face hostile questioning in such depth. Nevertheless, an intensely secretive individual who never gives…

1 February 2018News in Brief

For many years, PN has been keeping an eye on the Nepali peace process, which has progressed in fits and starts since the Nepali civil war came to an end in 2006.

In early February, Nepal held elections for its new upper chamber under its new federal constitution. The alliance between the Maoist Centre party and the United Marxist-Leninists (UML) swept the board, taking 40 of the 56 seats. In elections in November and December, the leftist alliance took 174 out of 275…

1 February 2018News in Brief

PN also keeps watch on the struggle for freedom in Western Sahara, illegally occupied by Morocco since 1975.

Solidarity campaigners has been targeting foreign companies involved in the illegal exploitation of Saharawi resources. In the last few months, several have pulled out.

The giant Swiss/British multinational Glencore finally left on 4 January (it had been exploring for oil). The Canadian firm Nutrien announced on 25 January that it would no longer buy…

1 February 2018Feature

Upcoming PN workshop: Thursday 14 – Sunday 17 June 2018

Do you want to strengthen your workshop facilitation skills? Do you want to help social change groups and mission-driven NGOs deal more skilfully with social class and classism in their own organisations, in their members’ lives and in the wider society? If so, Exploring Class may be for you.

This intensive, three-day Training of Trainers draws on several decades of work in the US and will adapt US tools to the UK class system. This residential draws in particular from the…

1 February 2018Comment

On CND's 60th anniversary, PN recalls the origins of the campaign's commitment to unilateralism

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament nearly put itself out of business right at the beginning of its life.

CND started near St Paul’s cathedral, London, on 16 January 1958 at a meeting of the National Council for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapon Tests (NCANWT) and an invited group of national figures. NCANWT willingly handed over its office, its funds, its files, its paid organiser, and a public meeting it had organised for 17 February, to the new ‘Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament…

1 February 2018News in Brief

As PN went to press, the Public Interest Case Against Trident (PICAT) project was well on its way to raising £10,000 towards the cost of taking out a judicial review.

PICAT has been trying to start a prosecution of the prime minister and the defence secretary for conspiracy to commit war crimes, through Britain’s nuclear weapons policy. (See PN 2612 – 2613.)

They now want to a judicial review of the attorney general’s refusal to allow this case to go…

1 February 2018News in Brief

In December, anti-secrecy campaigner Alan Turnbull discovered photographs from his ‘Secret Bases’ website had been stolen by an engineering firm and architects working on an expansion of the spybase at USAF Croughton in Northamptonshire.

Contractors Mott MacDonald and HLM Architects put a planning application in to South Northamptonshire council in 2016, showing a new windowless mission building and an antenna field with six new ‘golf ball’ radomes.

They illustrated…

1 February 2018News in Brief

Here’s some nonviolent direct action news from the US from the very brilliant Nuclear Resister.

Protests against US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen led to 15 arrests at the US mission to the UN in New York on 11 December, and seven arrests at a congressperson’s office in Washington DC on 11 January.

On 28 December, seven people were arrested at a Christian anti-war protest at the Pentagon (during a Holy Innocents Faith and Resistance retreat), and four Catholic…

1 February 2018News in Brief

In February, radical British historian Mark Curtis launched a new online project, Declassified, which contains hundreds of declassified documents on British foreign policy.

Some documents are new to the web, the result of Curtis’ research. Other papers are provided via links to the National Security Archive, the Guardian or other websites.

Curtis, author of Secret Affairs: Britain’s Collusion with Radical Islam is appealing for help from volunteer researchers…

1 February 2018News

Nuclear powers 'on cusp of new arms race

On 25 January, Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, announced: ‘Because of the extraordinary danger of the current moment, the Science and Security Board [of the Bulletin] today moves the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock 30 seconds closer to catastrophe. It is now two minutes to midnight – the closest the clock has ever been to Doomsday, and as close as it was in 1953, at the height of the Cold War.’

The central concern of the…