Climate change & climate action

1 June 2016News

Kelvin Mason celebrates the Welsh campaigners at the coalface of anti-coal activism

Ever since 2007, I have been writing in Peace News about opencast coalmining in Wales, climate change and local injustice.

My particular target has always been the 11-million-tonne Ffos-y-Frân mine near Merthyr Tydfil. At a rough count, I have written and/or edited 12 articles about Ffos-y-Frân for Peace News over the last nine years. Over the same period of time, I have also campaigned and taken direct action against opencast coalmining in Wales.

Alerted to the travesty of…

1 June 2016Feature

Mobilising climate justice, lessons for social movements

End Coal Now! activists at Ffos-y-Frân in May 2016.Photo: reclaim the power

In early May, the Reclaim the Power (RtP) network organised ‘End Coal Now!’, a protest camp and occupation of the 11-million-tonne Ffos-y-Frân opencast coalmine near Merthyr Tydfil in south Wales. An early appraisal of this action could yield valuable lessons for social movements taking action this year and beyond.

End Coal Now! was followed by the occupation of a lignite coalmine in Welzow in Germany…

1 April 2016News

Climate campaigners threatened with jail receive suspended sentences

In July of last year, 13 climate activists occupied Heathrow airport’s northern runway for six hours, causing around 25 flights to be cancelled. On 24 February, the Heathrow 13, who were found guilty of aggravated trespass and being unlawfully airside, were given suspended sentences of six weeks in prison. This means that if they commit another ‘offence’ in the next 12 months, they will be sent to prison for six weeks for the runway occupation, as well as being sentenced for any new ‘crime…

2 February 2016Resource

An open letter from the radical peace movement to the radical climate change movement.

1 February 2016Feature

A worm’s-eye view of the ‘Red Lines’ climate action in Paris, or how I ended up at the front of a 10,000-strong illegal march

Angels protecting the Red Line demonstration in Paris on 12 December. Photo: Yann Levy

Friday started in an airy industrial squat just outside central Paris, with two men arguing whether the type of tear gas used by the French police has ever been implicated in the deaths of protesters.

The people being trained to form a human barricade practiced linking our arms through backpack straps (see p20), locking our legs together when sitting down, ducking our heads to minimise the…

1 February 2016News

'Woe to you ... you hypocrites!'

Christian Climate Action outside the DECC, London, 30 November. Photo: CCA

Five Christian climate protestors arrested in Whitehall on 30 November for writing in whitewash and black paint on the wall of the DECC (department for energy and climate change) have had their trial date set for 31 May and 1 June.

On the first day of the Paris climate negotiations, the five painted ‘Dept for Extreme Climate Change’ in black letters on the DECC wall, which they had whitewashed. They…

1 February 2016News

Coal giant attempts to enclose common land

Alyson and Chris Austin, United Valley Action Group. Photo: Friends of the Earth

After the consortium Miller Argent had their proposal for a six-million-tonne open-cast coal mine, Nant Llesg near Rhymney, rejected by Caerphilly council last summer you would have been forgiven for assuming that, after years of the scheme being hotly contested, that was the end of the matter. Not a bit of it.

Despite the strength of resistance to the proposal locally as well as across Wales and…

1 February 2016News

Heathrow 13 found guilty

Not surprisingly for many of us in Wales, two ‘Machtivists’ are among the ‘Heathrow 13’ climate activists who are on trial as we go to press.

The Machynlleth area in mid-Wales has a proud environmental and climate activist record. Machtivists organised the first Camp against Climate Change in Merthyr in 2009, in support of the residents struggling against Ffos-y-Fran opencast coalmine, and they are involved in the ongoing battle against further mining described elsewhere on this…

1 February 2016Feature

An open letter from the Wretched of the Earth bloc about the ‘People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs’ on 29 November

Photo: London Latinxs

On 7 December, indigenous activists from across the world kayaked down the river Seine to protest against the removal of the protection of indigenous rights as a crucial aspect of the climate treaty being negotiated in Paris. The push back against indigenous rights was led by the US, EU, Australia – all states with a rich past and present of colonial exploitation of people and land – who feared that the protection of indigenous rights might create legal…

1 February 2016Feature

Last December PN's editor - and 129 others - headed for the climate negotiations in Paris ... by bike

PN’s Milan Rai (l); Emily Johns (r), Abby Nicol; and Thad Skews, set off on 6 December from Hastings Pier for the Paris climate talks.

The four reported back afterwards. Poster: THAD SKEWS.

The 130-strong Time to Cycle ride nears Newhaven ferry port. photo: cat fletcher.

After five days cycling through Dieppe, Rouen and Freneuse, we reached Paris on 10 December, forming an illegal mass ride which was ‘kettled’ by police on the Champs-Elysée – for 20…

1 February 2016Feature

Coming soon to a planet near you ...

12 & 13 February: Global Divestment Day
Fossil Free UK say: ‘After the Paris climate deal, getting the solutions we need means building on our momentum and bringing the pressure home. It means building our power, demanding just climate solutions and breaking our ties with the fossil industry once and for all. On 12-13th February people all around the country will be showing their love for the climate, and taking action in their communities to divest from fossil fuels – join…

6 January 2016Blog

An important perspective on last November's 'People's March for Climate, Justice and Jobs'

On Dec. 7th, indigenous activists from across the world kayaked down the river Seine to protest the removal of the protection of indigenous rights as a crucial aspect of the climate treaty being negotiated in Paris. The push back against indigenous rights was led by the U.S., EU, Australia – all states with a rich past and present of colonial exploitation of people and land – who feared that the protection of indigenous rights might create legal liabilities.

The securing of indigenous…

2 December 2015Blog

The Department for Energy and Climate Change was renamed the 'department for extreme climate change' as COP21, the UN climate negotiations, opened in Paris.

Five Christian climate protestors were arrested in Whitehall on 30 November for protesting against government hypocrisy on climate change, which they called a 'climate whitewash'. The five, from Christian Climate Action, were arrested for criminal damage after writing in whitewash and black paint on the wall of the DECC (department for energy and climate change). They said 'underneath…

1 December 2015Comment

We can only win climate justice by breaking the rules

On 9 November, 1,000 young people marched in the streets of Washington, DC, for hours, demanding justice on race, climate, and immigration. Photo:

Like global climate change group, we all need to look beyond the Paris climate talks and whatever protests we manage to organise there to the building of mass civil disobedience for climate justice in 2016. is talking about an escalation in May 2016.

Whatever comes out of the COP21 negotiations in December,…

1 December 2015Comment

Three French campaign groups respond to the 13 November atrocities in Paris.

Graphic: Bryn

Attac released this statement on 18 November, just five days after the attacks in Paris:

In the aftermath of the massacres of Paris, members and supporters of Attac, in unison with the French society, feel horror and revulsion at the indiscriminate and murderous hatred.

Attac expresses its solidarity with the victims and their relatives. The people murdered Friday night were merely exercising their right to conviviality, to civility,…