Red Dragon Newsround

IssueNovember 2011
News by PN staff

Peace parliamentarian
Jill Evans MEP has been typically busy in the European Parliament, campaigning for peace. On 27 September, the parliament voted on rules governing the export of dual-use items – goods and technology with both civilian and military uses.

Jill criticised the outcome: “The rules won’t provide necessary safeguards to prevent the misuse of exports with a potential military use.”

On 28 September, Jill called on the EU member states to support international recognition of an independent Palestinian state: “Recognition of the state of Palestine could lead to a freeze on the building of settlements in the West Bank and an end to the occupation – the way to ensure that further talks take place and that a two state solution will still be possible… However, Amnesty International has raised concerns that the EU is promoting a compromise which would prevent recourse to the International Criminal Court. This would undermine both the ICC’s credibility and the principle of equal access to justice and reparation for all people.”

Nuclear query

People Against Wylfa B (PAWB) are asking some awkward questions about new-build nuclear: Did you know that it is planned to store waste at the Wylfa nuclear power station on Anglesey that is twice as radioactive as the current by-product for 160 years?

Did you know that existing jobs at the existing nuclear power station (Wylfa A) would anyway be safe for the next 20 years because of decommissioning? Did you know that the German government have accepted a report showing an increase in childhood leukaemia in the vicinity of nuclear power stations?

Did you know that Anglesey cannot be adequately evacuated because it has only two (congested) bridges? (And did you know there is no money for a third?) Did you know that the Welsh government has confirmed that Wales does not need Wylfa B to meet its energy needs?

Did you know that Wylfa B is not a done deal (both German companies within the Horizon Nuclear Power consortium are considering pulling out)? PAWB held a public meeting at Galeri Caernarvon on 22 October to discuss such issues.

Peace Institute

The petitions committee of the national assembly for Wales have initiated their official process of public consultation for Academi Heddwch Cymru (the Wales Peace Institute). Letters will be sent to known supporting organisations but others can also respond:

Finally, Radical Wales was shortlisted for the Welsh Blog Award in the Best Political Blog category – one of only three nominees! In other awards news, Radical Wales recently polled 254th Top UK political blog in the Total Politics awards, though some blog called “radical waves” (a misprint!) was voted 18th Top Welsh Blog.
Radical Wales:

See more of: Wales